Monday, 5 May 2014

Brown Watson Publishers
Digit Books 2

The Cheaters  Edgar Wallace
Digit R801  1964

Wantons Die Hard  Leonard Gribble
Digit R809  1964

To Catch a Spy  Bruce Sanders
Digit R810  1964

A Millionaire of Yesterday  E philips Oppenheim
Digit R812  1963

How to Catch Your Man Tessa R Risbrough
Digit R814  1964

The Wayward Wench  Noel de Vic Beamish
Digit R817  1964

Timor Attack  Arthur Steele
Digit R820  1964

The Damned and the Destroyed  Kenneth Orvis
Digit R829  1964

Mill Town  C Merton Wentworth
Digit R830  1964

The Killers  William H Fear
Digit R839  1964

                                                                        Original Art

The Grip of Fear  Vern Hansen
Digit R840  1964

Confess to Dr. Morelle  Ernest Dudley
Digit R847  1964

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